Payroll Deduction Campaign 2021
Through the Payroll Deduction program, CRSD employees have helped the Council Rock Education Foundation to grant over $400,000 to teachers and classrooms throughout the district – investing in innovation in all curriculum areas -from Science Technology, Math and the Arts, to Literacy, Civic Engagement, the Environment, Special Needs, Health & Fitness. Check out a video of teachers receiving grants – surprised by our Prize Patrol!
If you are a CRSD employee, please consider joining us in these efforts to support educational innovation by making a contribution through the Payroll Deduction program. Only $1 per paycheck makes a HUGE difference! And 100% of all funds received through this program are returned to Council Rock schools and teachers through the Innovative Learning Grants program.
If you are logged onto your CRSD account, you can click HERE to sign up today and securely transmit your authorization request directly to the CRSD Payroll department.
On behalf of the students of Council Rock and the Board of the Education Foundation – THANK YOU!