The Council Rock’s Raising Great Kids Speaker Series, a free educational forum built on the concerns of parents, educators and community members, will focus on one of the top initiatives of Council Rock School District’s strategic plan – wellness and mental health issues. 

The Council Rock Raising Great Kids Community Speaker Series provides opportunities for parents and community members to learn about vital issues facing our youth and families today. Expert speakers educate not only parents but teens as well often initiating communication on sometimes, sensitive subject matter. Also, youth leaders play active roles; presenting speakers, introducing topics, and facilitating teen panels for greater understanding. 

Due to the change in education envniroment for the 20-21 school year. The speaker series is seeking new opportunities to reach students and parents online. Please check back for new opporunties.

RGK Series 2019-2020 brought to you by Jefferson Health.

The Raising Great Kids Speakers Series is a collaborative partnership between the Council Rock Education Foundation and the Council Rock Coalition for Healthy Youth. The Council Rock Education Foundation enhances the current academic CRSD curriculum by funding innovative projects that go beyond the annual school budget. In eleven short years, the Foundation has funded more than 126 grants and over $300,000 to teachers impacting thousands of Council Rock students. The Council Rock Coalition for Healthy Youth’s mission is to mobilize and engage all sectors of our communities to work together to reduce risk behaviors of our youth, helping them to reach their full potential in a healthy environment.

Special thanks to our presenting sponsor Jefferson Health for making this series possible.